Making a Connection

Aly Wagonseller recently wrote an article in the Zip Code Magazine titled “Give Your Life a Kick in the Butt”.

Part of the article talked about my background, how Practice of Positivity Corp and the G.R.I.T. Leadership Programs came to be, Aly talked about Getting Gritty and then also about making Connections, one of my biggest joys in life!

This is what I said in the article:

“If you surround yourself with people who also push their limits and have a high sense of self-efficacy, who believe in themselves and are willing to try it, you will be more likely to do the same. On the contrary, if you find yourself surrounded by those who are complacent in life, who just “ride the wave”, always want to sit in the backseat rather than taking the wheel, and are more risk averse, you may find yourself with a similar mentality. It is the positive, healthy competition or motivation by someone or something that will help you along the way and help encourage you to get out of that comfort zone, even if just for that experience”.

If you are stuck, just try it. Try to find a tribe of people who think positively, people who will help push you to get our of your comfort zone and into your learning zone, even one person who says to you “you can do this, just try!”.